What is aktivCampus Trondheim?

Photo: Roland Richter/NTNUI Blits

aktivCampus seeks to make physical activity a natural part of the everyday life as a student!

It is common knowledge that regular physical activity leads to better physical and mental health. In light of these advantages, NTNUI wanted to get more students active. In 2018, a project called "The Training Promise" was carried out. Here you were supposed to list as many training sessions you had completed in one week. It was seen that this seemed scary to many and it was decided that the project should have an even more low-threshold profile to include as many as possible.

Photo: Roland Richter/NTNUI Blits

Photo: Roland Richter/NTNUI Blits

In 2019, the project aktivCampus was established by NTNUI in collaboration with NTNU, and the road to activity for all started. aktivCampus is about thinking new about physical activity to lower the threshold for being active and healthy as a student.

aktivCampus 2020 was a huge success despite the fact that infection control measures were in full effect. In total, we had over 2500 participants at over 30 events. Here we started to see how big and important aktivCampus has become for the students - both new and old! There are several who have seen the importance of such a project and in 2020 the Norwegian Student Sports Association (NSI) chose to lift the project further. NSI aims to make aktivCampus a national project for all student sports teams in Norway. Other parts of sports in Norway have also identified possible transfer values to both children's and youth sports.

Photo: Roland Richter/NTNUI Blits

Photo: Eivind Jølsgard/NTNUI Blits

In 2021, we still had to stay within infection control measures, but nevertheless carried out over 60 events. Unfortunately we had to have restrictions on our events, but still reached 2500 students.

After several years of pandemic, aktivCampus 2022 becomes especially important when we take back everyday life as a student this autumn. We must take back an active everyday life where we focus on what is important, namely having a good time as a student. It will be especially important to be active together. This year we have planned over 100 events and have a hope of not having to limit the events to the same extent this year. aktivCampus is for all students. We want to reach those who once quit sports by normalizing activity and play, we want to reach those who want to explore activities outside of ordinary organized sports, and we want to show those who have never done sports or activity before that they are wanted.

Photo: Nils Dittrich/NTNUI Blits

Photo: NTNUI Blits

I 2023 ble det gjennomført over 100 arrangementer helt uten begrensninger! Gjennomføringen går bedre og bedre for hvert år som går, og dette året var intet unntak. Med over 3000 deltakere og flere enn 500 på venteliste var årets uke en stor suksess. På NTNUIs ekstraordinære generalforsamling ble det vedtatt at aktivCampus skal gå fra å være en prosjektgruppe til å bli et Adminutvalg. Samtidig overtar aktivCampus Mosjonstilbudet som omdøpes til aktivHverdag og den kjente aktivCampus-uka blir nå aktivUka. Dette blir et nytt og spennende kapittel i aktivCampus-eventyret!